Expectation Value


Expectation Value

In probability and statistics, the expectation or expected value, is the weighted average value of a random variable.


Expectation of continuous random variable

E(X)=\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }xP(x)dx

E(X) is the expectation value of the continuous random variable X

x is the value of the continuous random variable X

P(x) is the probability density function


Expectation of discrete random variable


E(X) is the expectation value of the continuous random variable X

x is the value of the continuous random variable X

P(x) is the probability mass function of X


Properties of expectation


When a is constant and X,Y are random variables:

E(aX) = aE(X)

E(X+Y) = E(X) + E(Y)


When c is constant:

E(c) = c


When X and Y are independent random variables:

E(X ⋅Y) = E(X) ⋅ E(Y)


conditional expectation


See also

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