Arccos Calculator


Arccos(x) calculator. Inverse cosine calculator.

In order to calculate arccos(x) on the calculator:

  1. Enter the input value.
  2. Select result type of degrees (°) or radians (rad) in the right combo box.
  3. Press the  =  button to calculate the result.




Arccos definition

The arccosine function is the inverse function of cos(x).

arccos(x) = cos-1(x)


For example, If the cosine of 60° is 0.5:

cos(60°) = 0.5

Then the arccos of 0.5 is 60°:

arccos(0.5) = cos-1(0.5) = 60°

Arccos table

x arccos(x)
degrees radians
-1 180° π
-0.8660254 150° 5π/6
-0.7071068 135° 3π/4
-0.5 120° 2π/3
0 90° π/2
0.5 60° π/3
0.7071068 45° π/4
0.8660254 30° π/6
1 0


See also

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